So, I've been avoiding Adobe Illustrator for years. I was first introduced to it around 2002 (during an AT in South Korea oddly enough) and I found the pen tool absolutely terrifying. The application has a huge learning curve right at the beginning because it you can't just draw a line and magically make a vector. You have to carve a path. In a way, it's like sculpting.
However, because I'm a competitive person and hate being outdone by anything, a couple weeks ago I decided to face my fear and commit to learning how to manipulate this program. Lots and lots of tracing. Lots and lots of pulling my hair in frustration. But I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of it. The best part is that learning this program will make me more desirable to the companies that I'm applying to.
Anyway, today I want to share the fruits of my labor! I made a
mermaid t-shirt! I know it's not much, but I'm so proud of it :3333333333
Okay...back to applications now....