Pimpin' Post #1

Oct 19, 2006 14:51


Graphics Communities (new and adored)

moseley_lims -- Last Icon Maker Standing contest for actor William Moseley

keira_lims -- Last Icon Maker Standing contest for actress Keira Knightley

mistaken_heroes -- Shared Community for Multifandom Graphics

narniacast_icon -- Icon challenges for the cast of Narnia

everyiconrus -- Icon challenges for a variety of fandoms

moseley_hush -- Textless icon challenges for actor William Moseley

Personal Graphics Communities/Journals

colorburn_icons -- Graphics community for my dear sari1490 =)

valliegurl -- Graphics journal for my darling valliebabe =)

untold_verity -- Graphics community for the amazing _myimaginary_ (shared with pasadora)

sawyer -- Graphics journal for the lovely queenofnarnia =)

sp_iconiness -- Graphics community for roguedemonhunte (sorry, I'm running out of words xP)

dawn_icons2 -- Graphics community for morningstar4 =)

epicons -- Graphics community for peaceinyou =)

somaquado -- Graphics community for allthatsound =)

cheekygeeky -- Graphics community for dorkamatronic =)

masked_lovex -- Graphics community for maskedsolider =)


Other Communities

narnian_herald -- Daily reports on graphics, fanfiction, and almost anything else Narnia related

narnia_ratings -- Get rated as one of the characters from Narnia
narnia_awards -- Um, self explanatory?

narnia_icons -- Yet again, DUH

hp_icons -- Harry Potter icons
hero_awards -- Nominating community for Narnia, HP, Star Wars and LotR

Sorry if this clogs your friends page. ^-^'

*NOTE: This was the WHOPPER post, as it is the first of my "pimpin' posts".
Many of the communities/journals listed will NOT be repeated unless necessary for promotion.


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