Some more icons and some banners. Enjoy!! Comments, credit, and noms are love!!<3 [8] LOST [7] Across the Universe/Beatles Lyrics [1] LotR [16] Total [2] Banners
OK, don't get me wrong, I enjoy school. But sometimes it's a flatout pain-in-the-neck. No time for anything but homework! Oh, well. Some icons. [4] LOST [2] Indiana Jones [9] Spider Man [8] Star Wars [11] Harry Potter [6] LotR [4] Narnia
I just changed my header! I'd Like to know what you guys think! Also, here are some Lost icons. Every decent Original, plus Eko. But I left out Walt on accident. :( Oh well, what can you do?
Welcome to my new obsession! LOST! I tries to color it to a lighter mood, which is odd cause the show can be very dark and mysterious. So what do you think?