DAMNED » Profile

Jan 14, 2010 14:04


Name: Hidaka Ken (飛鷹 健)
"Real" Name: Andrew Witte
Room Number: M11 (Yue/Yukito)
Age: 24
Birthdate: December 23rd
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Teal/Blue-green
Height: 175 cm, or about 5'8"
Primary Language: Japanese
Secondary Language: Very little bad and broken English and even less German. Mostly tourist guidebook phrases at best.
Other Characteristics: Ken enjoys soccer, soccer, cooking, and more soccer. Other physical characteristics include scarring from various weapons, mostly bullets and knives. He does have some burn scars as well, mostly on his lower back and legs. One of his biggest scars is on his abdomen, matching in front and back, where he was run through by Aya during the Koua mission.
Laid-back and easygoing, fairly energetic, friendly and helpful...though there's darkness lurking underneath that exterior. He still hasn't completely managed to shake himself of the enjoyment of killing, and he's still trying to move beyond that. He has moments of frightening intensity, usually when fighting. (Or playing soccer. It's serious business, after all.) He's also intensely loyal and somewhat naïve, preferring to look to the best in people. Not one for subtlety, Ken's idea of problem solving involves beating whatever's causing the problem into (usually bloody) submission.
Left shoulder still bothering him. Right leg bitten by a zombie, infection is gone but still healing.

Standard + 1 volleyball net; 1 bugnuk (right hand); various bottles of medicine (oral and injectable); 4 vials of spider venom

Just before Weiss Kreuz Side B manga

Landel's Wiki page
OOC: Tracking Post
OOC: Relationships
OOC: Concrit Post
IC: Patient File

Other Tidbits
The journal name is from the scientific name of the Trumpet Gentian flower, a member of the Gentian family, which is Ken's image flower.

Blue gentians are said to symbolize the love which suffers in the 'flower language' popularized in Victorian times. The gentian flower itself also has multiple meanings, depending on whether the flower is open or closed.
Closed - 'Sweet be thy dreams'
Fringed/open - 'I look to heaven'
Alternate meaning - 'You are unjust'

Reference Images
1 2 3 4 5 6

Tomokazu Seki (Sagara Sousuke, Shirou Kamui (X Movie,) Gilgamesh, Ashton Anchors (Star Ocean EX))

Character journal for Landel's Damned. This journal is currently homeless. Mun can be found at youko_astarael
Availability: Evenings/nights/early mornings Central, M-F. Weekends variable, but usually nights after 9.

Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide


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