Once Upon A Time In The Woods Masterpost

May 01, 2013 17:02

Title: Once Upon A Time in the Woods
Author: brutti_ma_buoni
Artist: knockoutloser
Fandom: SPN RPF
Pairing(s): Gen/Jared
Word count: 5500
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff!
Contents (warnings and kinks both apply): werecreatures
Summary: Gen is both a wereflying-squirrel and in denial about being in love with her landlord. The combination sucks. Jared has ideas about improving her life, but is it something Gen can live with?

Fic Masterpost: Fic Masterpost
Art Masterpost: Art Masterpost

p: jared/gen, spnrpf, type: art, type: fic, c: gen

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