Dawn Teader Venting/Review (as in SPOILERS)

Dec 11, 2010 18:59

OK I have now seen Nania's Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And so I want to say all I think about it while it's all fresh in my head. So here I go.

Starting with glowy girl, whos name I can never spell, Lilly something, Glowy girl wasn't that bad. Surprisingly she was only in one scene. Also I now understand why Peter and Susan (hahaha Lucy) were in the trailers. I don't even know why they put them in the trailers. I guess to make the Susan fanboys and Peter fangirl happy. All I know is I think I saw the trailers too many times for I was quoting with it at those parts. And I am happy I get my picture I've been having as my wallpaper now. GOOd part. For that is right before the slave traders come. I really liked that part.

So I hear some people are mad at this movie compared to the book. I myself thought they did a really GOOd job. I mean, for that much adventure put into one movie, they did really GOOd. They seemed to include the parts I remember the most from the movie. As in the invisible creatures, Lucy and the beauty spell, Eutace becoming a dragon, repicheep and the sweet tasting water, and the missing lords. I mean really, they even included the gold pond and the "poison" food. This movie was amazing.

Of course they also added stuff. Like how repicheep and Eutace became friends. And how Caspain and Edmund were fighting. And of course the add in of the white witch. And of course the glowy sword in Edmunds hand. Which I was hoping for more. I mean it was super awesome how he got to kill the sea creature with it, but I was hoping for more fighting with the sword. And I guess it really was Peter's sword, but I don't care for Edmund had it.

Edmund was super awesome in this movie. And I'll take a moment now to get the squees out of my system. For Edmund was awesome! Whhhhoooooo! one of my favorite parts was with Edmund and Caspain dueling. For it looks like he could have won and that he must of got stronger. (as Caspain said) it just made my day. And at the end, Edmund was just rockin the Armor. Than again Lucy shotting that one arrow was pretty fabulous too.

OK, I know, I want to talk about the sea creature. For it was just kind of scary. I see now why it says it might be too much for smaller children. It was fine at first. Like any other sea creature, but than It opened up and I would have been in Edmund's shoes starring at it like that when it did that. GOOd thing Caspain saved him. That thing was just huge. And I thought it was so funny at the part where the one lord was like, "don't think of your fears, for they would come to life" and just than Edmund was like. "I'm sorry." and Lucy was "Edmund what did you think of." That just made me laugh.

Also, was it just me or did Lucy shout "EDMUND!" and Edmund shout "LUCY!" back a bit much. I mean I counted at least three times, so by than I was laughing for it happened a lot. But whatever. It doesn't make much difference.

Next, after Eutace became a dragon and turned back and not so much a pain, I bet he got his fangirls. I am just glad he learned his leason (even though reading the book told me that he would) Still I understand why Edmund wanted to hurt him. I wanted to hurt him too. Expescially when he was like, "you guys kidnapped me!" Really, he wasn't kidnapped, you can't stop the magic that drags you into Narnia. and only Aslan can send you back. I don't know how they were to send him back. And him with a sword, not good. Until reepicheep duels him. That was kind of funny really. And I love how they made reference to the next one in the end by having his mom say that Jill came over. Yay for silver chair. I can't wait for that one to be a movie, that one is my favorite book.

Lastly, my all time favorite part was the slave trader island. That part was epic. It had really good sword fighting and it was just excellent. I laughed at Eutace so much at that part. Really. "no one over here." HA! Liar! and than Edmund calls him over to "gaurd" though Caspain should have never given him the daggar. Than they go into the creapy room with low lighting, you just knew something was going to happen. Than they have a good sword fight, even if it didn't last very long. HA! and I laugh at Eustace again for he really did scream like a girl. Then they get caputured and Caspain was hitting the door. And Edmund was just relaxing and being his hot self. And really, I mean it, he looked really GOOd during that scene. Than they met the king. LOL, Caspain "who's talking" Lord "No one, it's just in my head" all I know is that part reminded me of Alandin. So when Caspain was asking who that was I wanted to yell "JAFAR!" but I didn't. Poor poor Lucy getting sold for only 150 (of whatever Narnian currency is) At least Reepicheep saved them. that was cool and more sword fighting, which made me smile.

So overall Dawn Treder was epic, amazing, and wonderful. The ending at the cool looking wall of water made me cry a bit, for it was a beautiful scene. And even though I knew Edmund and Lucy don't come back I was a bit upset at it. Still this is one of those movies I would buy on DVD so I can see over and over again. OMG I had more to say than I thought. Whatever. Hope you liked the movie as much as I did. Thanks for reading my spoiler review.

dawn treader, edmund, epicness, movie review, spoilers, caspain, narnia, lucy

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