Love is in the House

Nov 16, 2010 23:46

OK this story I wrote by myself, but It's supposed to go after The Star Treatment. So this is Dollhouse and it has references to season two. so basically I'm giving you a spoiler alert. A double one, for you have to read The Star Treatment before this one. And this one is really long, so be ready for reading for awhile. But to summerize me and Topher have been dating for a month and this is my first attempt in adding my Character Comet. I hope you like him for he'll probably show up in more stories later. Last thing to say, I set this up like an episode, well, in a way, I guess you'll see. But because of it there is a cliffhanger (so don't get mad at me for I did warn you), but I don't know if I'll write another one unless I get Ideas. If you have anything to share for ideas let me know. But I'll let you read this story now. Enjoy. :D

LOVE is in the house. Dollhouse episode 55.

Voiceover: Last time on Dollhouse. *TV Shows clips that show this description*

Agent Ballard was sitting in his chair by himself, he was trying to figure out what to do next. Echo was getting so close and he really wanted to help her. And he sat there in the silence thinking. Suddenly he jumped out of his chair and turned to find a group of girls standing there. The girl that looked the oldest approached him. And that was the last thing he remembered. When he woke up he had completely lost his memory and the only thing he knew was that he was in his apartment, but he remembered nothing of the attack or of the Dollhouse…………[Insert Theme song here]

*On TV Screen as Episode starts it says: One Week Later*

Paprika: Did I fall asleep?

Topher: For a little while.

Paprika: May I go now?

Topher: If you want.

Paprika: *leaves room calmly*

Topher: *Turns to Star* Looks like she’s been racking up her appointments.

Star: The jobs are getting more difficult as she gets closer to being number one.

Topher: She’s almost there, she needs 30 more to catch up to Echo.

Star: Well than, she is closer than I thought. Time has gone by so fast.

Topher: *puts his arms around Star* Yes, and we’ve been dating for a month now.

Star: *rocks back and forth in Topher’s arms* We have, in fact today is exactly a month, we should celebrate.

Topher: Maybe. I do have a surprise for you, *turns around to grab gift box to find a boy standing there* Oh Comet you scared me. You can grab us some juice can’t you?

Comet: Already have it. *holds out two juice boxes*

Star: *turns around to find no one there* Who you talking to Topher?

Topher: *hands Star one of the juice boxes in his hands* Oh that was Comet. He’s new here. He works for me.

Star: *grabs juice box* Oh a newbie, why didn’t I find out about it? I’ve never seen him. Actually he left so fast I still haven’t seen him.

Topher: Really? He’s been working here for a week. He came shortly after Ballard’s disappearance.

Star: I’ve been working here for a month and I still don’t find out about these things. I mean really, Ballard disappeared?

Topher: I am so sorry sweetie, *gives an awkward side hug to Star* You’re just not part of the inner circle yet. *looks at disappointment in Star’s eyes* But you should be!

Star: Thanks for trying. *smiles* But what was that surprise you were talking about?

Topher: *grabs gift box* Oh yes. *puts it behind his back* The surprise. Well it wouldn’t be a surprise if I just told you.

Star: Than get to it, show me your surprise.

Topher: I don’t have it *smiles like he’s hiding something*

Star: Than what’s that behind your back?

Topher: Oh nothing. *smiles bigger*

Star: Your smiling so big that you must be up to something *tries to grab gift from behind Topher’s back*

Topher: Oh no, not at all. *spins so Star doesn’t get it*

Star: Oh so you do have something. *tries to grab it again, but ends up falling* Ow. *sits up and rubs head*

Topher: Oh I’m so sorry. *puts gift down and puts arm around the Star’s back*

Star: Yea, it’s fine. *notices gift sitting right next to her* Nothing really *grabs gift*

Topher: Hey! *tries to grab gift back* You’re not supposed to have that yet.

Star: Oh really, it looks like you were going to give me something.

Topher: Well, that’s not for you.

Star: Hhhmmmm *grabs tag and reads it* To my Star of the sky, from *laughs* Your Tophie Bear. *looks up* Aaaaawww, you’re not ashamed of writing the nickname I have for you. *Hugs Topher*

Topher: *hugs Star back* I didn’t know that you’ll enjoy what I put on the tag so much, I could have gotten a cheaper gift.

Star: *laughs* You don’t mean that.

Topher: No, I want you to have it.

Star: *looks at gift* So can I open it now.

Topher: *gets up off floor, helps Star get up* One moment. *grabs Star’s hand and brings her into a different room* I’ll be right back *runs back into chair room*

Star: *waits for Topher and starts to talk to self* Hhhmmmm, I wonder what he got me. *turns gift around* Topher is so busy, I didn’t think he’ll remember. *sets gift down and sits in chair*

Topher: *comes back in a bit flustered* Sorry about that…I had to…and….

Star: It’s ok, you’re here for me now… *notices boy behind Topher and gets out of chair* And who’s that. *turns away from Topher* I thought we were going to have this time alone!

Topher: *puts hand on Star’s shoulder and turns her around* It’s ok, but you were telling me that you haven’t met Comet yet, so I decided to introduce you.

Star: *turns around, pouting, and looks to Topher* Are you sure this is the best time. I thought…….. *Star’s eyes lock with Comet*

Topher: *looks at Star and waits for her to finish her sentence* Well, yes, this is a good time, Uuummm *awkward pause* Star met Comet. Comet this is Star………… girlfriend. *looks as Comet and Star stare at each other*

Comet: *breaks eye contact with Star and puts out his hand* Nice to met you Star.

Star: Oh yes *shakes Comet’s hand* It’s my pleasure.

Comet: You’re prettier than I thought *takes Star’s hand and kisses it* I’m glad I’m finally able to met you in person. *lets go of Star’s hand*

Star: *giggles* Oh, thank you. I hear that you’ve been here for a whole week now.

Comet: *smiles* Oh yes, today is my official one week anniversary of being at this job.

Star: Oh that sounds nice, how’d you like it here. *smiles back at him*

Comet: It’s been…..*gets pushed by Topher*

Topher: Yes, it’s probably been fine, but today is our one MONTH anniversary of dating. So if you’ll be so kind.

Comet: Oh yes, I am sorry for interrupting your personal time. *turns and leaves*

Topher: *waits for Comet to leave and closes door* Maybe it was a good thing that you haven’t met him before.

Star: What is that supposed to mean? Are you jealous? Comet was just being a gentleman, which you need to be sometimes. And I probably haven’t seen him for he’s working so hard for you.

Topher: *pauses thinking of what to say next* I’m sorry. This should be a special day. *smiles and picks up gift and hands it to Star* And it’s about time you get to open this.

Star: It’s OK, *takes gift* It’s kind of sweet of you that you got jealous like that. *messes with Topher’s hair*

Topher: *shakes hair* Really? Hhhmmmm.

Star: Yes. So I can open this now, no more interruptions?

Topher: *turns and locks door* I’m sure. *smiles*

Star: *opens gift* Oh……Oh……I can’t believe you got this for me. *takes out gold-chained necklace*

Topher: Oh, but I did. *grabs necklace and goes behind Star and helps her put it on*

Star: You know I’ve been looking at this one for awhile now. *presses head into Topher’s chest* Thank you.

Topher: *leans head over Star’s shoulder* Your ever so welcome, my Star of the sky. *leans in to kiss Star, but jumps to a loud knock at the door* Aaaarrrrrrggg. *runs to door and unlocks it and opens it to find Comet standing there*

Comet: I’m sorry but there’s an emergency, I don’t mean to interrupt you, but……. *voice trails off*

Topher: *grabs Comet’s shoulder’s* Where boy? Emergency? Really right now, today!! *runs off*

Comet: *awkwardly stands there* Uuummm, In the chair room…. *watches Topher run off*

Star: There goes that day. *plops into a chair* Come in Comet, you’re welcome in here now. He’s going to be a long time.

Comet: *awkwardly walks in sits in chair on other side of Star* Uuummm OK.

Star: Don’t be shy, I don’t bite.

Comet: OK *smiles* I guess I get to met you for a second time today.

Star: Yes, *smiles* and I guess we now have time to finish our conversation, maybe I can finally get to know you.

Comet: Yea that could be a good thing.

Star: So what do you do here anyhow?

Comet: I just deal with the technical things and some of the stuff that Ballard did, not much really. Get juice boxes….

Star: Oh, sounds like…….fun. You work for Topher, how do you like that?

Comet: Topher is a great guy, but it’s just that sometimes…

Star: You don’t understand him. Yea it takes awhile to get used to.

Comet: Exactly. Uuummm there is something I need to tell you *looks into Star’s eyes*

Victor: *Comes running into the room* OK I’m so sorry I keep leaving you. Now where were we. *grabs Star’s hand, picks her up, twirls her around so her head is leaning in his chest.* Yea that seems right. *glares at Comet*

Comet: Um Victor what are you doing here?

Star: *backs off from Victor* Yes, and what are you talking about.

Victor: *jumps up and messes with his hair* Oh, I’m sorry I should explain. I’m Topher.

Star: *stares at Victor than looks at Comet* Do you know what he’s talking about?

Comet: I think it was because of the emergency. They have to go get Echo or something and need Topher or whatever.

Victor: Exactly *jumps to Star* You’ll have to understand, I’m still Topher.

Star: I still don’t feel comfortable with it. We can still spend time together, but nothing more.

Victor: I perfectly understand, I just have to take care of the house while my body is gone.

Star: OK, so…..

Victor: Oh got to run. *runs out of the room*

Star: What? *watches him leave*

Comet: The phone rang.

Star: Oh I guess I didn’t here it.

Comet: Yea, I guess being in the office more you can pick it up more.

Star: Yea being Paprika’s handler, I guess I don’t get much of that stuff, not accustomed to it.

Comet: *under breath* And working for Topher I’m not accustomed in seeing your beautiful eyes.

Star: You’re not very quiet.

Comet: What? I didn’t say anything.

Star: I heard your comment about my eyes, *takes a step closer to Comet* Thank you. *smiles*

Comet: Oh, I didn’t mean for you to…

Star: Hear it, Since I’m dating Topher. I understand.

Comet: I just can’t help it. *stares into Star’s eyes*

Star: I’m flattered and if…..

Victor: *comes back in* Hey sweetie, *grabs Star’s hand* You going to accept me now?

Star: Oh hey, you still Topher in there?

Victor: Sure Am, do you need me to prove it?

Star: It’s still too awkward, so what’s you been up too?

Victor: Oh that. *looks down* Uuummm. Nothing you need to worry about.

Star: Well what have you been doing? I mean the other you. Oh I’m confused.

Victor: Oh he’s just…meting Bennett.

Star: Oh another girl, what did he say that she’s like?

Victor: HOT! *Quickly covers mouth* She’s smart and she’s….ok *voice trails off*.

Star: Hot?!? And Smart. Oh he must be falling for this girl. But he does remember that I’m his girlfriend doesn’t he?

Victor: Oh, Uuummm, *jumps up* Well, …

Star: I’m being dumped aren’t I?

Victor: Not exactly…*looks away*

Star: Well it’s either I am or I’m not, no in between. You know what, I’m telling you to tell him that I’m dumping him first.

Victor: Really?

Comet: *walks over* She is, now can you lay off of her. VICTOR.

Victor: Oh, I’m hurt. *puts hand over heart* And after I gave you the one month anniversary gift.

Star: You know I couldn’t care, if you’re going to leave me for a hotter, smarter girl than I don’t need you. Now, just leave!

Victor: I want the necklace back than!

Star: Why? To give it to your new girl? Fine. *grabs necklace about to rip it off, but is stopped by Comet*

Comet: Wait!! Don’t take it off!

Star: Why? *stops but continues to finger the necklace*

Comet: It doesn’t belong to him, he didn’t even buy it, *pause* I did.

Victor: No you didn’t, I did, she’s my girlfriend. I know what she wants.

Comet: I gave you the money and I had to tell you what to buy for her. Now get out!

Star: *stares in amazement as Comet pushes Victor out and closes the door* You didn’t have to do that for me.

Comet: But he wouldn’t have left you alone if I didn’t.

Star: He would have left for his new girl. *sits on couch*

Comet: *sits next to her and rubs Star’s back* Oh it’s OK, he’s been having his eye on Bennett for awhile.

Star: But I didn’t know this, I could have been warned.

Comet: You know now.

Star: I seem to always find out about things last minuet. Did you really buy this? *rubs fingers on necklace*

Comet: Well, I told him where to find it and gave him the money, I didn’t buy it.

Star: If all HE did was go into the store and put it in the package than you bought it. I can’t believe you knew what I wanted.

Comet: Well *gets quiet* I’ve noticed how Topher gets for you and I figured if I found out things about you I could help. Me working for him and all.

Star: Yea I get it. Thanks.

Comet: I wasn’t finished.

Star: You wasn’t, I didn’t think there was more to that.

Comet: There is now that you broke up with him.

Star: There is? I didn’t know that would make a difference, besides that I’m without a boyfriend now.

Comet: Exactly, which is why I have to say that when I was looking stuff up about you I found that I’ve grown to like you. And I’ve seen you come in and out while Paprika had her appointments. What I’m trying to say is….

Star: You want to get to know me?

Comet: Well that too. But I know you more than you think. I’ve been watching you all this week. And I couldn’t believe that you were Topher’s girlfriend.

Star: Well it just kind of happened, he didn’t even like me at first. It’s kind of a long story. But one way or another we aren’t together anymore. Thanks to that Bennett.

Comet: Bennett can’t be better than you.

Star: What do you mean?

Comet: *Blurts* Do you think I can be your new boyfriend or is it too fast?

Star: I… I don’t know, I guess I need a bit of time. Thinking of time, we should see what’s happening. *mumbles* Like I really need to know.

Comet: I understand. Let me know if you change your mind… *opens the door and walks to chair room*

Star: *Follows Comet* I’m glad that you do understand. *looks out window to see Victor and Sierra making out* I guess Topher is back to being himself.

Comet: Yes, there’s only one of him again.

Star: I’m glad of that. I just hope the messaged was passed on. I don’t need to……..*looks and sees Topher and Bennett holding hands* Wow he’s quick.

Topher: Oh hey Star, I’ll like you to met Bennett.

Bennett: *smiles* I’m happy to met you, he has good things to say about you.

Star: *under breath* Probably better things to say about you.

Bennett: What?

Star: Nothing. *to Topher* Are you glad you found her?

Topher: She completes me.

Star: She’s that great, huh? I’m glad your happy than.

Bennett: That’s sweet of you.

Topher: I don’t know what I would do without you.

Star: I guess I was nothing than.

Topher: Oh, *awkward stare at Star* I’m sorry.

Star: Oh, it’s nothing, that’s exactly why I told you it’s over.

Topher: I had nice times with you, just Bennett understands me better.

Star: You don’t have to speak plain English is that it?

Topher: Exactly. *starts mumbling tech stuff to Bennett*

Bennett: *giggles*

Star: OK, maybe I should get to work.

Comet: Yes, me too, see you later Star.

Star: Yes, I will, now I should find Paprika. I’m sure she’s due for something. *leaves room*

*Star walks around the house looking for Paprika, passes by Victor/Sierra being sweet as usual, looks up back into window to find that Topher/Bennett are now making out, and she still can’t find Paprika. Passes by Echo and Echo starts to talk to her*

Echo: You look sad.

Star: I’m more than sad, I’m upset.

Echo: You’re at your best now.

Star: How can I be, things are so wrong.

Echo: Wrong?

Star: That’s enough of doll talk, I know your secret, if you want to talk to me say it straight up.

Echo: *grabs Star and brings her into a separate room* Yes, but while people are watching I have to stick to the doll speak.

Star: Oh, I didn’t ruin anything did I?

Echo: No. but I mean it, things should be fine for you now.

Star: What do you mean.

Echo: Topher was bound to get together with Bennett so I don’t know why you even tried. And Comet is the right man for you. He loves you, you know.

Star: He’s been here a week and we just met each other today. It can’t be that fast.

Echo: You don’t know, do you? He’s been watching you for more than a week, he set it up with your friends so he can replace Ballard.

Star: So than Ballard’s fine?

Echo: Oh his memory is finally back, but you should go with Paprika on her next appointment, which would be right about now. *pushes Star out of the room*

Star: *almost falls to find Comet and Paprika standing there* Oh hi.

Comet: I found Paprika for you, she has another appointment.

Star: And Topher is thinking straight enough to put her through the chair?

Comet: He left me in charge so he could surprise Bennett with a date.

Star: Oh. So you know how to work the chair?

Comet: I’m a pro at it.

Paprika: Am I going to have my treatment. I like my treatments.

Comet: Sure, once we get there.

*They walk in awkward silence to the chair room. Paprika gets her treatment and Star drives her to her appointment, which happens to be Paul undercover. Star now sits in the van and watches Paprika’s screen*

Paul: I am glad you found me. I was expecting Echo, but I guess you’re the new number one.

Paprika: Oh yes. I’ve been trying very hard to get that status.

Paul: It looks like you got it.

Paul and Paprika: *keep talking*

Star: *to self* She’s going to be in trouble before long. I just know it. Wait, something is wrong with this *puts hand over screen* She’s not on a romantic mission. *runs into house finds Paprika and watches her and waits to see if there is trouble*

Paul: *mumbles something and scoots closer to Paprika on the couch*

Paprika: But isn’t this what you asked for? *kisses his check and wraps arms around Paul*

Paul: Well this is nice.*gives Paprika a small kiss* But you’re a doll *pulls off of Paprika*

Paprika: But, you know that I’m like Echo. Just you like me more.

Paul: That I do *kisses Paprika*

Star: Oh great, I don’t need to see this, there’s already enough couples around here. *starts back to van*

Paul: *breaks kiss* What was that?

Star: Oh crap. *freezes*

Paprika: It was nothing. *turns Paul’s head back to hers*

Paul: Are you sure?

Paprika: Well….*realizes* It’s my handler checking in on me.

Paul: Why would she do that?

Paprika: Don’t you remember, I’m number one, thus I have a more paranoid handler.

Star: I’m not paranoid.

Paul: *opens door, grabs Star and pulls her into the room* Than why are you checking on her?

Star: Her mission didn’t call for romance.

Paul: *smiles* Oh that’s my fault, I think I get caught up with this.

Star: What are you trying to do then?

Paul: Get information. The number one doll, knows all that’s happening. Including how I lost my memory for a week.

Star: Ohhh, I think that’s my fault.

Paul: How’s that? You didn’t do this to me did you?

Star: Well not directly.

Paprika: We were just trying to help her.

Paul: Wait you know about this, then why didn’t you tell me.

Paprika: I knew you wanted some time with me.

Paul: Well…

Star: Never mind that. I’ll let you two finish and than I have to bring Paprika back for a treatment. *walks back to van*

*Star drives Paprika back to dollhouse. In elevator Paprika talks to Star*

Paprika: I didn’t tell him

Star: Tell him what?

Paprika: That it was for you and Comet to get together

Star: Oh

Paprika: You didn’t know did you.

Star: That you’ve been trying to set up me and Comet. Than why hasn’t it happened yet.

Paprika: I saw how you looked at him when you picked me up for treatment.

*Elevator door opens*

Paprika: I like my treatments.

Comet: *standing on other side* I’m sure you do. Come on. *leads Paprika into the chair and pushes buttons and stands on the side of the chair like Topher would*

Paprika: Did I fall asleep?

Comet: For a little while.

Paprika: May I go now?

Comet: If you want.

Paprika: *leaves room calmly*

END OF EPISODE *TV makes whoosh noise showing a bunch of blue and grey squares*

dollhouse, echo, ballard, topher, paprika, comet

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