Love my Hatred

Feb 08, 2005 17:10 turns out I'm really bad at updating this journal. What can I say? I'm such a Xanga girl. Oh well.

Basically all I ever do around here is sleep, wake up, go to classes, eat, and sleep, in that particular order. I think I am dying. Cos I will sleep, and wake up, and be so friggen tired. Yes, It has been decided. I am dying.

Why are boys fuckheads? I just don't get it. I don't neccessarily take to V-day as an actual day. Eh, it was created for the candy company so that boys would buy hot girls flowers and candies and cards, which will eventually, after so many V-fucking-days, will lead to being overweight, married to an idiot, and owning ur own litter of although very cute but messy kittens that just keep procreating and won't ever stop. That is my theory.

I'm sure it will change once I find someone. I'm sure.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm a hypocrite. But it's ok. Cos I say so.

Another reason why boys are fuckheads. most of u know, my best friend, (or whatever we are right now, who knows, who cares?) who is a fuckhead boy, told me 2 weeks ago that he would call me. Sooo....2 weeks later, after that phone did not ring, I call him. He tells me, after certainly ignoring my story about blonde boys, (I know he didn't listen cos he had no reaction, and it was a damn good story that HE killed) that he was too busy to talk and would call me back after he got out of work or after 9 that night. Around 12:30 am, I decided that he wasn't going to call.

Even though I told him I had lots to tell him and he said ok.

Even though he promised.

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