Mar 30, 2006 20:46
saw v for vendetta again yesterday, and it was just as awesome the sedond time! i did kinda screw myself tho, i couldn't nap after the movie, so i was up for 20hrs, which made for a very tired gennyvieve in the AM! i was head bobbin' during lou dobbs;) i find it funny that someone who is so vocal about border control, etc is broadcasting from cancun....i'm shocked that he hasn't been tied up and fed to the wolves down there;)
tonight i will take another stab at my taxes, and if i can't get them done, i'll suck it up and pay someone to do it. sometimes having your own business really blows---only because i get infuriated at the system, esp since the fair tax would elimanate all this crap. but that's another soapbox entirely.