Title: What's Lost is Found
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
Length: Two-shot
Genre: Comedy and Romance
Pairing(s): JunChun, TaeSu, minor KangTae and YunJae
Summary: Kim Junsu is a divorced composer, trying to find himself after two years of getting use to being divorced with his wife, Taeyeon. But now that Taeyeon has found herself someone she might want
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“Did you sleep late?-“ A gasp, “Is-is he there?” Junsu could visual Jaejoong’s face just lighting up in excitement because these sorts of things made Jaejoong excited.
Turn it to "Junsu could visualize Jaejoong's face just lighting up, because these sort of things make Jaejoong excited."
I didn't see that one :P
I also still love that part! Lol, Jaejoong was so funny there :))
xD; I didn't realize I made Jae a funny character until I re-read it a couple of times.
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