Character Relations

Jun 29, 2011 22:13

Close Friend           Friend           Acquaintance           Neutral           Frenemy?           Antagonist           Enemy

This is where most of the people Botan meet will be noted. It'll be a mix of how she thinks and feels about the person, along with some information she's learned about them. It's a bit of a mess right now, but eventually it'll be organized a little better. If your character and Botan have met, and there's no blurb but you're curious, leave a comment and I'll toss one up on the bottom!


The one who really will blow Kurama's cover, seeing as he doesn't actually see a point in that sort of thing. She's known/known of Hiei as long as she has Kurama, though it wasn't until later in that case, when he used her to send a telepathic message challenging Yusuke with Keiko as a hostage, that they had really interacted with each other. He's a scary little thing that has threatened to keep her from mentioning that he was Yukina's brother. They aren't exactly friends in the typical manner, and Hiei would deny even that, but he's a familiar face from the same team and that's enough. In fact, he's more prone to insulting than saying anything else to her. Hiei came a few months after the Dark Tournament, even scoffing at the idea of people being at the same level as Toguro, if not higher! Whether intentional or not, he's managed to bring some comfort by letting Botan know that Kurama survived his match with Karasu, that they won the Tournament and Genkai was brought back to life because of it.


Very nice and helpful. Botan already likes her! She... just doesn't know Usagi that much, yet. It's because of her that Botan's at least relieved that Kurama's not almost dead. Usagi's given her the most information upon arrival and seems to be the most open. Of course, being as sweet as she is, part of Botan knows how that could also attract trouble. Hopefully it doesn't hold true here! Somehow they've already gotten to plotting to cheer everyone up. This... can only go well. Has proven to try anything she could to help someone out, even getting someone else to help her get Botan when the power failure event started.


One of Usagi-chan's friends, and very talented. Because she's offered fortune telling, and mentioned doing it for a long time, Botan's impressed at how spiritually aware Rei is. It's fascinating that she could look into the future, despite how weird Adstring is. She's definitely someone Botan'd like to know better. Not because of the abilities alone, but wanting to know more about Rei as Rei. She just already likes the girl. Rei let her know that there are other people similar to her, as in being a grim reaper, around. They've spoken a few times so far, and while there are some aspects she can relate to Hiei (must be the fire,) she's trusted Rei far more quickly. She already knows about the wards and radar projects being worked on.


Noticed that Botan wasn't human right away. He seems like an all right person, though she didn't know why he seemed upset when she asked if he was a shinigami from his world. Also thinks that the markings on his face is make-up. Learned that Ulquiorra has been in Adstring for almost two years!


Turns out to be the actual angel of Thursday, and not just someone with the name. Castiel, or as Rei calls him, Cas is the first angel that Botan met. Really, she heard about Cas before meeting him. They met and were able to learn a bit about each other's worlds during the Tanabata festival. Though seeming slow, or careful to respond he seems like a good enough person. While not friends, exactly, he seems like a good enough person to meet more often and get to know. He's certainly turned into one of the few people that Botan can get into detail about subjects she was actually knowledgeable in. He's really started her in getting the database of wards, talismans, sigils and other powerful symbols started, and has helped in getting it filled out. He's also one of the first 'alpha phase' people that are willing to help refine and finish the radar attachment she's currently working on.


Castiel's brother, who knew? It confirmed that angels were all siblings in their world as well, when Gabriel mentioned angel healing speeds. She doesn't know what he looks or sounds like, due to him sticking to texts, but it seems that bad luck hit him pretty hard, and ugly. How unfortunate, right?


Poor lady seems to have a lot on her plate waiting back home. A lot to be worried about with this Glory person and a key. Seems to be most concerned for someone named Dawn, possibly family? Buffy seems to use words that don't actually exist but sound like real words, for probably the same meaning. Having looked at the other responses from her first message, it seems that Buffy and Spike don't get along. At least from the time Buffy's from, though something is really different from Spike's with how he regards her.


A very talented young woman that is not only skilled at darts and knife-throwing, but knows a lot of Latin. Presumably fluent in the dead language, but no confirmation at the time. Jo definitely has a good attitude about her, despite seeming to have gone through so much. Botan knows that she grew up in a bar, though it burnt down a couple of years ago. Later on, she's learned that like these Sam and Dean people, Jo's a Hunter. She's working on getting another one together, and coming up with a name. A little curious looking around shows she's from the same world as Castiel and Gabriel, being friends with the former and some other people around from that world. Generally the conversations have been casual, sometimes relating to what's going on at the time. It's fitting, with how their relationship has been turning out.


A very talented girl. Botan thinks she could enjoy any of her performances so far. One performance, a duet with someone named Blaine, unfortunately didn't have the best impression upon anyone due to Rachel's intro. As hurtful and offensive as it seemed, Botan understands that Rachel is the type of person who's intention doesn't completely seem to match her words and actions. The type to have the right idea, but not the right execution. At least the intentions are for the best, and she seems like a good person. Maybe Botan can help her set things right...


Botan really isn't sure what to think of this guy. Originally screaming for his mother, he denies even having been scared and even demands things from everyone. Obviously from a privileged family and not given the skills to fend for himself in situations like power failures. Save for wanting shelter and food, it seems that he's expecting something called House Elves to be around and 'fetch' him whatever he wants and needs. It's definitely not good attitude to have, but at the same time it's not really Botan's business, or job, to work on it. (Not that guarantees stopping her...) Either way, she let him over to Unohana's clinic and tried showing some of the basics of the PCD. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem very interested in learning more about it, but he'll just have to come around eventually. He's abrasive at times, that's for sure, but it's nothing she's not used to. It just seems like his defensive manner when put against something he doesn't understand, and not just what he doesn't like.


Botan will admit, this guy creeps her out quite a bit. A bit like a lot. It's mostly the energy, but some of the answers... Well, of course that feeling would stick after hearing about getting hands in ROUS, and yodare kitties eating each other. Maybe it wasn't the answers, so much that he was casual and seemed to enjoy it. Maybe he's from a time earlier than her own? He seemed to talk like the Jack the Ripper cases as if they weren't so far back in the past. Also, he knits. Wut?


Despite being very young, he's apparently a teacher of some sorts! Despite it involving him being a teacher in his future, he picked up the responsibility anyway. Meaning he has to be smart, too. He seems charming enough... (Botan's obviously thinking positively while here, it seems.)




Reiteration: More to come. If your character and Botan have met, and you want a blurb, go ahead and comment!

*ooc, *character relations

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