Rainy Day...n.n

May 22, 2006 23:03

n.n It's been a good day.

Fox had a first aid class at 4. After that, we went out to Chinese food at this place that I really love. It's kind of a silly restaurant with fish tanks on one wall. It also has a lot of those shell and ivory art pieces on the other walls...and star shaped multi colored party lights. It's set up to be a little bit like you're eating outside even though you're inside. That's what makes it so cool though.

After that, we decided to be really bad and go get ice cream. Way to ruin a diet!!! XD

I got to play a little bit more of KH Chain Of Memories also, which makes me really happy. *Is in the middle of both KH games at once* It gives me something really fun to play when I can't have my PS2. It's a little bit scary, but I almost want to buy the game 'Cats' (Or is it 'Catz'?). I don't even know what it's about! I can't resist the kittens on the cover of the box though! Nooo! Lol. Does anyone know what it's about? Is it like a cat type tamagotchi thingy for Gameboy? Or is it an actual game?

I'm curious!

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