I am SUCH a procrastinator!!!

Apr 20, 2006 06:28

Okay, so there's no way I'm posting my half-butt con report up here XD I can atleast post my photopage though. I'll probably add more photos later, but here are the ones that I took. A few of them are from Cosplay.com, but other than that, they're pretty much off of my camera. And like I said, I still have a few that I haven't posted, so it will probably change in the next week or so if you're looking for something in particular. n.n;


I hope you can see my gallery without a password... n.n; I'm not exactly sure how that works on Photobucket.

On another note...

OMG! I'm so obsessed!!! Fox and I bought Kingdom Hearts 2 about a week ago. I only started playing it a couple of nights ago, so I'm only like, 10 hours into it. But OMG...I'm addicted. XD I'm still not sure whether I like it more than the first one or not, but in the end I probably will. There's too much stuff that's still unclear for me to say yet though. I can't wait to finish it already XD. I don't have a guide or anything though, so I hope I don't miss anything too important. I generally like to try a game once through without a guide, though sometimes I get too stuck and HAVE to look things up. n.n;;

Now I'm rambling...

Anyway, I can't think of anything else!!! I can't help but feel that I'm forgetting something that I meant to write about though...

Oh well... n.n;; It must not have been too important...

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