I found a nifty website:
http://www.studentsreview.com I've been reading reviews and "how easy it is to get in-s" for McGill and my backup university, George Washington U in D.C. Ultimately I'm still scared I won't be happy but oh well. Bite the bullet, ne :D
As for anything accomplished today? I had an appointment this morning and then I came back home to sleep because I went to bed at 5:00 and got up at 8:30. I was dead 8D Now, I am delightfully rested but the day still feels off. It feels like a Sunday and that's throwing off my sense of time and makes me feel icky.
Hopefully I'll get my French lit section read tonight and review a little bit for the test and then start on the next two chapters. I still haven't started on English and D.S. though ¬¬ Oh the neverending battle with apathy ;_;
I also downloaded Silvia Night's Congratulations today. That song cracks me up so much.
Tomorrow MaryBeth and I are going to go to Books-A-Million. If I remember correctly, Matt said it opens tomorrow. Here's hoping that they have manga and that I can resist blowing a crapload of money on said manga. All I want is some new Hana-Kimi and Yami...although I will try to resist the Yami if I can and wait until July in order to save some money. I doubt I will be strong though haha