tired and in need of sleep

Jun 02, 2004 12:33

| sleepy]
[music: Ironic - Alanis Morissette ]

Just spent last Saturday (May 29), Sunday (May 30), and today (June 1) at the Harry Potter event at the Shangrila - Plaza mall. It was great! Sobrang nakakapagod nung weekends, but it was still a lot of fun. My biggest regret was not getting to stay longer!

I was stationed at the Gryffindor booth nung Saturday and I got to help kids fight a boggart. The special effects were kinda cool, considering hindi ma-gets nung mga bata how the boggart "appears" and "disappears". I got to wave a wand around! ^-^ The only drawback would have to be having to stand and keep on repeating the same spiel for more than 6 hours. Sobrang grateful ako kay Prof Skywalker for the Strepsils. But it was still fun!

I got to sit down at the Hufflepuff booth last Sunday and play hand-stamper and substitute Divinations prof when Prefect Carl had to go to the bathroom ^-^ The kids were so amazed that the HP characters' they called appeared in the crystal ball. I'm surprised that they didn't figure out that it was a predetermined sequence and that Carl was getting them to call out the character due to appear next. Ah, the illusion of choice.

Got to help out at the Slytherin booth kanina with the Potions exam. Got yellow food coloring all over my hands but it was worth it ^-^ I got my biggest surprise today: some people don't know how to mix their colors! They ranged from 8-year-olds to college students. Seriously! I asked a college student to mix me a purple "potion" from a choice of blue, red, and yellow, and she had to ask me what colors made up purple! Shucks.

I also got to meet a whole bunch of PHP people on those 3 days. It was a little awkward at first - I felt a little out of place, considering that most of them had know each other for years - but it got easier as time passed. They were so friendly! Grabeh. Ang babait. Soon enough, I was playing "Gnome Toss" - a new HP card game - with the rest of them. Wahehe. Got to talk to Thom - PHP na kapwa member ng SWP - and we talked about Star Wars for about an hour. Saya! ^-^ Hope I'll be able to drop by on Sunday after I leave my stuff in the dorm.

Damn it I start school on Monday. Sigh... enjoy the sleeping late while it lasts. Sigh... enrollment ko in a few hours - have to be in UP by 8am, so that means leaving the house at 6:15 because I'll be commuting all the way to Quezon City. Damn. Must sleep now...

P.S. "Prisoner of Azkaban" opens today. WHOOPEE!!! ^-^ my cousin's getting tickets once ATC opens.

P.S.2 got to keep the "Hogwarts Philippines" ID tag thanks to Head Boy Beejay. yay! ^-^ got measured for my school robes last Saturday and I'll be getting them in 2 weeks.


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