a little therapy

May 24, 2004 03:20

| tired]
[music: Ang Pag-ibig Kong Ito - Moonstar88]

I've recently joined Pinoy Harry Potter (PHP) and no shock here! I got sorted into Ravenclaw.

I've always considered myself to be intelligent. Other people take pride in their appearance, their excellence in sports, ability to play musical instruments and whatnot. As for me, I took solace in the thought that I was smart. It didn't matter if I wasn't pretty, or athletic, or a myriad other things. At least I was smart. A couple of months ago, I fell in love. This just goes to show that smart people do stupid things.

It ended last January (or was it February?). I don't remember the exact date - all I remember is that I had a big exam the next day and spent about 2 hours crying. Time was a factor (we didn't have any). Distance was a factor (it's a 2 hour commute on a good day). But most importantly, I think it was me.

It's probably for the best, things ending so soon. He's involved in a million different things, as well as demanding academics. I would have been very low on his priority list and I'm selfish enough to hate the idea of being #10 in a list of things to spend time on.

Life has been good to me the past few months. I got to see and talk with my best friends, made CS, passed my second take of Math 54, and got involved in my org's production without the 1am rehearsals of last semester. Maybe there is such a thing as karma. Things happen in checks and balances and a couple of good breaks are just what the doctor ordered for fixing a broken heart (pardon the lame lyrics).

love, php, life

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