shit, shit, shit!

Jun 02, 2007 21:07

I most probably won't be able to go home this June. As to why, check out the schedule below:

June 4-16 - Dr. Mark Erdmann and Dr. Gerry Allen visit El Nido and dive everyday in order to produce a fish ID book. Will be joining them whenever possible.

June 8-9 - Sales and Operations Review, though I'll only be joining on the 9th.

June 18-21 - "Train the Trainors" leadership seminar

June 26-30 - refresher course on Nature Interpretation

The only time I would have been able to squeeze in going home would be June 10-13 (I can't leave during the tail-end of the Drs. visit because there would be lots of information transfer involved) but by boss vetoed that as being too soon - I only got here last May 29. There's that 4-day window between the TTT seminar and the refresher course but I need that time to work on the training modules to be used for the refresher course.

So basically, I'll only be able to go home in July. The even more maddening thing is that I won't be able to extend my days off drastically - I was targetting July 12-21 so that I would be able to attend both the Con and the HP7 book launch - because July will be Nature Interpretation training month for the rest of the staff. So yeah. If the Con's projected dates stand, I'll have to choose between attending that or the HP7 launch.

This is how people here are able to accumulate 30 unused days off.

days off, el nido, work

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