how to get ahead in this country

Oct 03, 2006 21:59

Just a reality check as to how things work in this country.

Our DSL line was repaired after a day. Just when my faith in PLDT's customer service had been restored, my dad says that that was because they called one of their friends from Couples for Christ, who incidentally turns out to be a VP at PLDT. The friend called PLDT tech support and an agent called our house yesterday at around 6pm. The last time our DSL conked out, we didn't have DSL for a week until my parents finally called the VP friend who then got a repair guy sent to our house.

Our power came back on Sunday night. At that time, I was too busy celebrating to notice that it was only our street that had power. I only found out the next morning when they told me that the street parallel to ours didn't have electricity yet. As it turns out, our neighbor across the street owns a company that has a business agreement with Meralco so he knows the president. Our neighbor finally used his connections and called the Meralco president after 4 straight days without electricity. That phone call got our section bumped up to the top of the repair list.

I'm torn between being grateful for the help from the connections and being annoyed as hell that you have to know the right people just to get the most basic of services.


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