
Aug 08, 2006 23:52

Lesson #1: Never take an aircon bus all the way to Philcoa. It will invariably stop for unreasonable lengths of time hoping to get more passengers. An ordinary bus is much better as it flies through EDSA. Just make sure to clip my hair back.

Lesson #2: Read and memorize the entire Jap10 handout, including the footnotes AKA things you did not think would appear on the test but actually will. Gyaaaahhh.

Lesson #3: For my mom, almost all expenses related to cosmetics are acceptable.

Lesson #4: In saving money, every little thing counts. Will just ask them to pack 2 sandwiches so that I don't have to buy lunch.

Starting today, I have to write a daily diary in Japanese. Gyaaahhh. My usual "eloquence" (bwahaha) has degenerated to I went to school. The Jap10 quiz was difficult. I ate lunch. I bought a notebook. I went home. Shet. Will post the translation tomorrow. chocolate_daze and silverhakai, any chance you guys could proofread it? *begs* I'm going nuts.

Dropped by cl_water's office (naks, office talaga ^-^) after class. We haven't seen each other in ages. Talked about lots of things. It was very enlightening. The upside of having a Psych major for a friend: you get free psychiatric evaluations and counseling. The downside: you had better be prepared to hear things you may not like but are true nonetheless.

Collapsed on the couch when I got home. I couldn't sleep in my own bed as my room has now been turned into a guest room. All traces of my existence have been erased as my mom's friend from the US is staying with us for awhile.

There's a photo contest in UP I want to join. I'm having trouble coming up with a concept though *headdesk* The entries are due on Aug 25.

school, life

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