
Aug 04, 2006 22:24

Need to do my Jap10 homework.

The interview with Powerbooks went well enough. Got on the wrong tricycle - the guy organizing the trikes at Robinson's Pioneer pointed me towards the wrong trike. The trike driver was nice enough to still take me to the Powerbooks warehouse though he did charge me double because it wasn't his usual route. Oh well. I got interviewed about 2 hours after I got there because about 15-20 people were ahead of me. The actual interview was about 7 minutes max and they scheduled the 2nd interview for later in the afternoon at Powerbooks Greenbelt (the branch I requested to be assigned to). The 2nd interview went fine too. The interviewer (was supposed to be the branch manager but it was her day off) said she liked me. The problem is that what they're really looking for is a customer service person to take the 1pm-10:30pm shift. Omigawd. Di ko kaya yun. The interviewer said she's going to have to consult with the main HR department to see if they can hire another part-timer. Sigh. To be honest, they don't have to give me a book specialist job (what Chiqui's doing). I'd take the customer service desk as long as it's a part-time thing.

When's Celebration 4 scheduled? Told my mom that everything I'm saving from here on out will be going towards that trip. Her response? She's willing to pay for my plane ticket to LA.

*takes a deep breath*


school, work

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