
Jun 06, 2006 00:46

Shucks. Les told me that while Dreamland's manga is cheaper than Amazon's, they ship slower, up to the point that it takes up to 2 weeks for the items to arrive. Good thing Dreamland let me cancel my order. Whew. Ended up ordering just 4 volumes (RK 27, Girl Got Game 3, 6, and 10) from Amazon this time around because they were the only ones I liked that were included in the sale. I'll probably give Dreamland a shot if ever I get a bigger lead time (not just 1 week!) before someone goes to Manila ^-^

Being a manga addict is hard *mourns empty wallet*

Les is making sure that I become as addicted to One Tree Hill and The O.C. as she is :p She's burning me copies of her downloaded episodes and sending them with mom's friend. Sigh. I'm going to miss chatting with her everyday. School's starting in one week and I don't have an Internet connection in the dorm anymore. Hay.

school, manga

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