a lazy day: manga and TV

Jun 03, 2006 18:15

Whee! Because luckychan recommended it (and I couldn't wait for her scanlations *sheepish*), I went ahead and downloaded Ouran Koukou Host Club AKA Ouran High School Host Club from free_manga (I love this community ^-^). The result: BWAHAHAHA! :p Too bad I've only managed to download up to chapter 5 because MegaUpload and SaveFile hate me.

Host Club comes off as a combination of Hana Kimi (girl crossdressing as a boy) and Hana Yori Dango (poor girl in a super exclusive school), two of the most cliche stories of all time. Hey, I love HYD and Hana Kimi - hated the endings though - but I have to admit, they're the ultimate shoujo cliche. Anyway, Host Club is more of a parody than anything else so it's all good ^-^ Haruhi accidentally stumbles onto the Host Club and breaks a vase worth 8 million yen. To pay it back, she goes to work as one of the Club's "hosts". The catch? Only the Host Club's members know that she's a girl! The members, by the way, are 6 of the most gorgeous and rich guys in Ouran High :p

Haruhi - I like her primarily because she doesn't have any angst, is no-nonsense, and is really smart :p I still find it weird that she doesn't mind spending her entire high school life as a guy

Tamaki - He's the requisite idiotic narcicisst with a crush on Haruhi *coughTsukasacough* At least Haruhi isn't interested in him so I'm not tearing my hair out :p

Kaoru and Hikaru - *shudder* twincest is just not my thing. They're cute though.

Mori (Morinodzuka Takashi) and Honey (Haninodzuka Mitsukuni) - Gawd. Slash galore grabeh, even if it isn't spelled out. Come on! Honey (what kind of a nickname for a guy is that?!) is cuter and genki-er than your average Magical Girl(TM), while Mori is the strong silent time that silently follows Honey around and looks after him. The Valentine's Day chapter is proof I tell you! :p

Last but not least:

Kyouya!!!! - *fangirls* Waaahhhh ♥ ♥ ♥ The tall, lean, gorgeous, and intelligent VP of the Host Club. Waahhhh ♥ :p

One thing I don't get about the Host Club: why are all these guys playing geisha to their female classmates? That's essentially what they do, isn't it? They sit around with the girls and entertain them with their looks, charm, and stories. Why do they do it?

OT: Amazon is having another 4-for-3 sale and another of mom's friends is coming to Manila late June. You know what this means: manga! ^-^ I'm hoping against hope that Power! AKA Girl Got Game will be included in the sale. RK vol 27 and 28 are included in the sale but they're easier to find here because it's so well-known. Also, RK vol28 will be released after mom's friend leaves. Darn. But anyway, Les included me in her free trial of Amazon's Prime service, which includes free shipping for even items that don't meet the minimum amount ^-^ She also recommended dreamlandcomics.com for the Girl Got Game (its $7 instead of $10), but the minimum purchase for free shipping is $50 and most of the volumes aren't available anyway. Damn.

Rob's gotten me addicted to Prison Break :p His friend traded us Prison Break and Supernatural in exchange for Lost season 2. I really like Michael - how can you hate a creative genius with a hero complex? - but he just really really comes off as a Gary Stu. Doesn't this guy have any faults? He's even flirting with the pretty prison doctor! Oh well. We're stuck at episode 12 until the end of Rob's Ragnarok guild siege. Hmph. He hid the DVDs so we couldn't watch without him.

tv, manga

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