random events

Jun 01, 2006 01:20

Accompanied my mom to her yoga class today. It was okay I guess. Lots of stretching and breath control. But for what she paid, we would have been better of if she went to that class by herself and just taught me :p

It was NWA Sunday, what with the photoshoot in UP for the promotional posters for the Con and the SWP trooping afterwards. Hitched a ride with weirdingways and loverly_rosies to UP. Only a few people showed up for the photoshoot but it was still fun. Dressed up in HP robes to match jedi_remus, tazana, and the-bumper-car. Hopefully they release the final Photoshopped pictures soon ^-^ Only complaint: it was so freaking hot!!! Gawd. And we were wearing long black robes no less. We finished at around 2pm, missing lunch completely. Didn't notice it at the time though :p Hitched a ride with Oneal, thomspeaks, Paul, Vicoy, and loverly_rosies. Got take-out lunch from McDo then went straight to Valle Verde for the trooping. Chiqui and I dressed up pretty early because of our costumes' hairdos. Whee! I actually managed a sort-of-but-not-quite accurate rendition of the necessary hairdo for the pastel lake gown by myself ^-^ Okay fine, I did need a little help in pushing a few hairpins in :p Got to see the first formal outings of the Jango Fett and C-3PO costumes. Manny, Oneal, and Mardon really outdid themselves. As in wow. The kids went nuts ^-^

Been working more lately, which is actually a good thing because enrollment is on June 6. Now I just have to restrain myself, which is going to be a little easier at least since the new RK volume won't be arriving anytime soon ^-^

Spending a lot of time chatting with Les, Joma, and Lopao. It's fun ^-^ Les and I are planning a Disneyworld vacation in Orlando with Abi once we save up the cash to go. Told my mom about it and she said that she's willing to pay for the airfare. I'll "only" have to worry about the hotel, park entrance, food, shopping, and other expenses. Wow. Here's hoping I can find (and keep!) a decent paying and intellectually challenging job once I finally graduate.

nwa, friends, life

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