review: "Twilight" (movie)

Apr 05, 2009 11:14

Aids and I (and with much, much reluctance on his part) finally watched the Twilight movie via downloaded DVD-ripped avi. My first thought after the whole thing was done was "You know what? I actually LIKED IT."

The good:
1. A movie has to compress the book's content in order to fit the running time. This is usually the reason why movie adaptations suck, but it was a godsend in this case as most of Twilight The Book is fluff anyway. Short running time = faster moving plot = the lovey-dovey scenes are short and we get to the bad guys faster.

2. I FINALLY got Robert Pattinson's appeal. Because really, he looks stoned/drunk/hung over in his red carpet photos. In the movie, he actually looks *gasp* sexy.

3. Kristen Stewart's Bella isn't annoying most of the time. The only times she annoyed me were during the voice-overs and the part where her mom accepts the explanation that she broke her leg, got glass shards embedded in her body, and almost died because she accidentally fell down the stairs AND through a window. Bella's "clumsiness" is NOT cute.

4. The movie isn't told from Bella's point of view (unlike the book), so we get a more well-rounded view of the people around her.

5. The movie underscored the fundamental premise of Bella and Edward's relationship: lust. I'm glad that was sorted out.

6. The end credits were awesome.

7. Stalker!Edward. Edward Cullen creeps me out but he's listed under "Good" because that's really how he is in the book.

The bad:
1. Minimal Jacob. I thought he was her friend?

2. Loser bad guys. I mean really, that's it? That's the big climax? But then again, at least the epic battle isn't told from Bella's POV so we actually get to see the damn thing.

movie review

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