year-end report

Jan 02, 2008 21:27

It's 2008 already and yet, I really don't feel it. I wonder if spending it on an island wherein almost nothing changes has anything to do with it.

finally landed a full-time job
said full-time job transported me to an entirely different island
met a lot of new people
lost a lot of new people to resignations
felt satisfied
felt discontented
attended New Worlds Transformed
missed out on New Worlds 5
lost two grandparents
gained independence
let my hands do the work with lots of craft projects (scrapbook! plushie! Sculpey!)
one year anniversary with the person who makes me smile by simply being there
first Christmas and New Year's away from home
realized that holidays are only special because we make them special. If we treat every moment we spend with our loved ones as something special, every day is holiday.

figure out what it is that I want to do
start a business. Even a small one.
write more.
dive more.
photograph more.

May you all have a great 2008 :)

events, new year, experiences, life

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