Two Saturday's ago we had a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) celebration in my town and Jane Goodall was the kickoff/keynote speaker. And it was a FREE event! So of course we went. Everyone was so nice, we even got a table right by the stage to watch her.
I was very impressed with how well the kids did during her speech, it ran a little long and they didn't know much about her beforehand, but I think they each identified with something she said and they liked the stories of her as a child.
But then some horrible woman in a cowboy hat, who was trying way too hard, took to the stage when Goodall was done. She insisted that Goodall remain on the platform with her and put her arm around her and all that. I thought she might thank Goodall, but no. The cowboy hat lady slowly began to hog the podium, pushing Goodall aside to give directions to the audience about where they were supposed to go and when. Nothing Goodall needed to be there for, sort of rude to do. She made poor Jane Goodall stand there for this 10 minute spiel (in which she called us 'mommies and daddies'.). When she was finally done, she leaned over and, totally without consent, kissed Jane Goodall on the cheek! WTF?
Afterward, we wandered into the gym and the kids got to make light up cards and watch battle bots and all that good stuff. Q-11 spent most of his time soldering a Simon Says game, I couldn't believe how into it he was and how proud he felt for doing it all himself. (He really did do all the soldering himself, even if it looks like Smoochie is in the photo, ha!)
That was just when Smoochie was showing him how it was done, I swear!
T-10 and C-8 made little Christmas light flashlights using only a battery, paper and duct tape and those were pretty cool. I like knowing that we can make stuff like that with such simple, every day items. Not that we will, but we could.
Seriously, though, I can't believe the cowboy hat lady kissed Jane Goodall. Who does that? Rude.