Feb 07, 2012 22:21

I got an update tonight about my uncle who was just diagnosed with throat cancer.  It's Human papillomavirus and I was very surprised to learn that.  For some reason, I thought HPV was just cervical cancer.

What's even more odd is that my paternal grandfather -uncle's dad - died at the same age from the same thing -- throat cancer.  I don't know if it was HPV or not, though.  This was in the 80s, so I don't really know how much doctors knew about the virus back then.

Months ago I told Partner In Crime that when the kids went to their yearly check up, I would ask what age they recommend T-8 getting the vaccine.  She told me to make sure and ask about the boys, too, which I thought was a good idea.  T-8's birthday is Thursday, which means I need to make an appointment sometime this week and I'll be sure to bring up the family history.

What this means for my uncle is that with chemo and radiation he has a 90% - 5 years ... here's a cartoon that explains it:

cancer, family, birthdays

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