RP with 1twntyovreighty & surgeonshands | Been there, done that

Jul 31, 2010 20:26

[Follows THIS, THIS and THIS]

POSTING ORDER: Chris, Rick, Dave

Chris had gotten home from his thiry-two hour on-call shift about an hour ago. He had been close to zombie-realms when he got in, but a shower and a large bowl of cereal gave him a second wind that he was determined to last out a little longer. He finally managed to cross a day off with Dave, and after intending to get him together with Rick for a general talk for awhile, this was the first chance it had come up. Chris didn't want to put it off, either. Rick had agreed to it, even indicated he wanted it, so Chris was going to roll with it. Afterall, he hoped his best mate could help his brother on some level, but he wasn't going to hold his breath as to Rick's absorbing of any advice. Chris was still uncertain about his brother in general, but it was getting better.

He handed them both large mugs of tea and then sat down with a can of Red Bull himself. He was eyeing Rick again, just like he had been when he first got home, despite his eyeballs feeling like they were hanging out of his head. He gestured to Rick with his can. "You look tired. I dunno what it is, but you look worse than when I left, like you've overdone something," he said, wondering if he was just imagining it.

[with] 1twntyovreighty, [rp] 1twntyovreighty, [rp] surgeonshands, [ship] chris/serena, [with] surgeonshands

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