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DOOD, OKAY I SUCK featheredtips February 1 2009, 13:32:41 UTC
Err, hi. Eh heh heh. Deary, it's me, wingitback? Yeah, I really suck at maintaining friends online sometimes. D: Forgive me! Some people I know IRL that I'd much rather avoid for life if I could right now have gotten hold of my last journal's URL, so I've jumped-ship and set up a newer journal under this pen-name :D I realised that the last time I actually went and said hi to you was.... fucking ages. Shit, I'm so sorry. I keep trying to bear in mind that since I waste more than half my life online and the other half in bed sleeping the day away, I might as well drop by constantly to say hello, but for some goddamn reason, I ALWAYS FUCKING FORGET T^T Me sorry, forgives? D ( ... )


NUH-UH genius_freak February 1 2009, 14:27:01 UTC
Ha, no, it's okay. I'm bad at it too.... ^.^;
You're saying hi to me now, right? So it's not like you left me alone to die in a deep, dark, semi-bottomless pit somewhere. You...just waited 'til the last moment to sweep in like a knight-in-shining-armour to rescue my dehydrated, half-starved, dirty, smelly, slightly decomposing self. So the Hero's Union would give you a bonus. And a shinier sword. So you could save more lives in the future. Or something. XD

I've been okay. ^_^ Swamped with schoolwork and an occasionally faulty internet connection, but pretty good overall. How about you?
Yep, still in high school. Sophomore year, now. Doesn't make much of a difference though XD
One Piece? Never really got into it. But that was back when I was watching the sucky 4Kids dubs, so maybe I should try again. Hmm, I've been into really into Hetalia lately. Mm, countryslash XDXDXD

Of course I don't hate you ;p See? *adds back*


XD featheredtips February 1 2009, 14:47:39 UTC
^_^ Aww~ well, least we know we've got things in common! Shit, ahaha, I've missed the way you phrase things. Oh, the hilarity of the analogy! Gawd, I'm the last thing you'd want to put in an armour, I've got a horrible sense of balance without bits of steel stuck to me and a lance or horse as extra appendages of knightly gear, fanks DX Though your description of your rescued self disturbs me. DEHYDRATED, STARVED??? What are they doing to you in school?? I heard it's been the hottest summer down under. Is it really bad where you are? Damn, I forgot, are you in Australia or New Zealand? But either way, I heard that this summer has been unnaturally hot. D: My sympathies. Coming from someone in the tropics where the weather is basically in the high twenties or low thirties (celcius), hopefully, you have the benefit of waiting for winter :D ( ... )


Re: XD genius_freak February 1 2009, 16:28:30 UTC
Shh, it's all in the presentation. You don't need to be graceful. You just need to have an awesome glowing background and some pretty special effects. No one will know the difference ( ... )


Re: XD featheredtips February 1 2009, 16:48:54 UTC
@_@ That was a lot. But thanks on the heads up! Now I finally know where the hell to look for all these things that I've been looking for for awhile now! :D Oh, it's a shame that your internet is being rebellious D: I mean, anime is like... the reason why we fangirls live, right? -hears a roar of 'HUZZAH' in the background- anyway, I hope your internet connection stops being such an ass soon :D ( ... )


Re: XD genius_freak February 1 2009, 23:46:22 UTC
Sorry, I know that's a lot to process XD Such a complicated fandom *sigh*
I miss my anime... *wibble*

Check out all the Germany/Italy strips XD You'll definitely find some amusing shounen-ai there. And France molests everyone regardless of gender XDXDXD Oh, and the Chibitalia strips are really cute. Though Holy Roman Empire technically thought Chibitalia was a girl at the time...

Um, I think you can find it on YouTube, now that I think bout it...


Re: XD featheredtips February 3 2009, 14:26:00 UTC
Ahaha, I did read quite a couple of Hetalia strips. Since I did do History for about two years, it was really interesting, not to mention hilarious, to see all these countries being personified. XD OMG. ITALY IS SUCH A LOSER. HAHA! But he's so adorable~~ And Germany. -flail- XD I'm lost for words. He's all like "what am I going to do with you" when it comes to Italy. ^_^

The character profiles link you sent to me was interesting! Was it just me or was there only ONE female in all of those countries? D: No wonder it's pro-shonen-ai. XD

I'll scour around Youtube for clips then! XD


Re: XD genius_freak February 5 2009, 01:16:46 UTC
*is shot ded*
Haha, I know what you mean. It's always like "PASTAAAAAA~ SIESTA~ GERMANY~" XD And Germany's like *facepalm**face-fault**headdesk*

Haha, yeah, most of the countries are male. There are some female countries, though. Hungary, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Ukraine, Seychelles, Belgium, Taiwan, and Vietnam, I think. And Greece had a mother but we never met her. She's long gone...

Yeah, there's only 2 episodes out so far. They're only 5 minutes long... o.O


Re: XD featheredtips February 5 2009, 19:15:46 UTC
Yes, you did. -shoots you- Although, admittedly, it's still not close to being on the list of my all-time favourite animes yet. XD But it's interesting, given.

Oh god, I can't remember all those names D: No, really, there was a reason why I was never all that fly at History. But I thought that Germany and Italia are super cute. HAHA. And yes, I totally agree the whole "PASTAAAAAA~ SIESTA~ GERMANY~" XD And Germany's like *facepalm**face-fault**headdesk* thing generally sums them up XD


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