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Re: XD genius_freak February 1 2009, 16:28:30 UTC
Shh, it's all in the presentation. You don't need to be graceful. You just need to have an awesome glowing background and some pretty special effects. No one will know the difference.
Haha, sorry, I exaggerated a bit. A lot. I'm clean and somewhat hydrated, at least? Been very low on food , though. No money...*sigh* Toast is nice, though. And inexpensive too.
School is a scary, scary place.
They make me do maths and a bajillion essays every day and I get sent to counseling when I do badly (but only in math)... And I have to take Health instead of Art now -_- And not Sex Ed Health either. Food Pyramid/Don't Do Drugs Health...
I think you're getting me a tad mixed up. XDXDXDXD
I live in New York. Which is... pretty much the opposite of Australia at the moment. Ice, ice.... everywhere. 'Cept it's starting to melt a bit, so it's not that bad. I could drink it if it wasn't filthy and polluted...

Haha, thanks, I'll go check it out. When I fix my internet so it can play videos again o.O It's so brokenedly... *sigh*

Hetalia is a webcomic turned manga turned anime that personifies countries as somewhat stereotyped people (with a bit of their own personalities added to the mix). It's utterly hilarious, shounen-ai-ish, and manages to teach you history at the same time XD

Profiles are here. Just scroll down to the bottom. The Axis Powers are the main main characters, so you might wanna check out N.Italy, Germany, and Japan's profiles first. And then maybe UK, Russia, US, and... maybe Lithuania?
It's kinda confusing at first, but you figure out who's who after a while...

You can read most of the scanalated web strips here and onward. Just pick a couple at random.

And if you join the hetalia community you can download the first volume here.
The index is here if you wanna find a specific strip.

And as for the anime, I haven't watched it yet cuz of my video problem. Though, I think the first episode's here. I can't really check, though...

Check out the profiles, and then You should probably try reading the first volume first, cuz from what I can see a lot of people don't like the anime if they didn't read any of the strips first...

I hope that wasn't too much... o.O


Re: XD featheredtips February 1 2009, 16:48:54 UTC
@_@ That was a lot. But thanks on the heads up! Now I finally know where the hell to look for all these things that I've been looking for for awhile now! :D Oh, it's a shame that your internet is being rebellious D: I mean, anime is like... the reason why we fangirls live, right? -hears a roar of 'HUZZAH' in the background- anyway, I hope your internet connection stops being such an ass soon :D

Oh man. O.o I totally mixed you up with someone else, the hell???! I'm sorry! Anyway... Ah, the weather situation in many places are... completely whacked right now. So, hopefully you're not freezing or something while I'm down here near the equator baking in UV rays. XD

Hetalia sounds quite the interesting series, I just might find myself sucked into another fandom (you totally KNOW that mentioning the fact that it's shounen-ai-ish would ensnare me in this fandom's jaws, sneak!). But oh well, I have the time, and unless my internet connection (and it's provider) wants a very hasty death, I have the means to fangirl over another fandom as well :) Oh. But the link you provided for the anime is a megavideo link. D: My IP address hates Megavideo. I've never been able to watch anything from that online video provider. Maybe it has to do with the local area shtick or something. Ah well, I'll just read the manga first X) Thanks for all the links!


Re: XD genius_freak February 1 2009, 23:46:22 UTC
Sorry, I know that's a lot to process XD Such a complicated fandom *sigh*
I miss my anime... *wibble*

Check out all the Germany/Italy strips XD You'll definitely find some amusing shounen-ai there. And France molests everyone regardless of gender XDXDXD Oh, and the Chibitalia strips are really cute. Though Holy Roman Empire technically thought Chibitalia was a girl at the time...

Um, I think you can find it on YouTube, now that I think bout it...


Re: XD featheredtips February 3 2009, 14:26:00 UTC
Ahaha, I did read quite a couple of Hetalia strips. Since I did do History for about two years, it was really interesting, not to mention hilarious, to see all these countries being personified. XD OMG. ITALY IS SUCH A LOSER. HAHA! But he's so adorable~~ And Germany. -flail- XD I'm lost for words. He's all like "what am I going to do with you" when it comes to Italy. ^_^

The character profiles link you sent to me was interesting! Was it just me or was there only ONE female in all of those countries? D: No wonder it's pro-shonen-ai. XD

I'll scour around Youtube for clips then! XD


Re: XD genius_freak February 5 2009, 01:16:46 UTC
*is shot ded*
Haha, I know what you mean. It's always like "PASTAAAAAA~ SIESTA~ GERMANY~" XD And Germany's like *facepalm**face-fault**headdesk*

Haha, yeah, most of the countries are male. There are some female countries, though. Hungary, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Ukraine, Seychelles, Belgium, Taiwan, and Vietnam, I think. And Greece had a mother but we never met her. She's long gone...

Yeah, there's only 2 episodes out so far. They're only 5 minutes long... o.O


Re: XD featheredtips February 5 2009, 19:15:46 UTC
Yes, you did. -shoots you- Although, admittedly, it's still not close to being on the list of my all-time favourite animes yet. XD But it's interesting, given.

Oh god, I can't remember all those names D: No, really, there was a reason why I was never all that fly at History. But I thought that Germany and Italia are super cute. HAHA. And yes, I totally agree the whole "PASTAAAAAA~ SIESTA~ GERMANY~" XD And Germany's like *facepalm**face-fault**headdesk* thing generally sums them up XD


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