Feb 02, 2010 10:03
I'm housesitting for my family this week, and currently I've got one cat on one side of my chair, and another cat on the other side. That is of course, because their after my breakfast!
It's great though, cause I've already gotten a lot of cuddle time in, and even the dog is behaving pretty well. Yesterday got up at 5AM to take Jess and Mom to the airport. Luckily I didn't have to come into work, so I came home, and to prevent myself from going back to sleep, I threw myself into housework. I also got to enjoy their nice big HDTV! Last night I watched District 9 on it. Not too bad a movie, I liked how it was make like a documentary. I knew the ending was going to be sad, but it wasn't as tragic as I was fearing it to be. Wasn't really into the people exploding from the alien weapons thing though...gross.
So, back to work. Tomorrow morning I officially start my Tai Chi classes. I'm going to be able to take them twice a week, and only have to wake up early for one of them, thank God. Gotta pick up Dad from the airport tomorrow as well! Busy busy! :D