(no subject)

Jun 01, 2007 23:58

This is an open letter to female slash writers

I'll try to be brief

The male orgasm is really not that much different than the female orgasm in terms of how it feels. I mean, I can't say that with utmost certainty because I haven't personally felt both, but the cause and effect of both are very similar, so I have reason to believe that they aren't completely and totally different from each other.

If you do not see a bright, blinding white light when you masturbate, or see stars or sparks in your vision, or black out and wake up half a minute later... IT PROBABLY DOESN'T HAPPEN TO GUYS EITHER. It almost seems like people are trying to update the cliche of experiencing fireworks when you kiss someone you like. Stop trying to make it so fucking romantic and, in the process, completely shitting all over the rules of human physiology. Is it physiology that determines this stuff? Well, whatever it is, you're shitting on it.

If you didn't know that that doesn't happen during orgasm because you've never so much as masturbated, you have no business writing smut, slash or otherwise. At least have the common DECENCY to rub one out at least ONCE IN YOUR LIFE before attempting to describe sex. Please, for the love of God. I won't expect all smut authors to even have sex first, that seems a little bit unrealistic. But you don't even need anyone else to masturbate. All you need is some hand lotion. Unless you're a victim of female genital mutilation or have some other extenuating medical problem, you have no excuse.

In conclusion, stop polluting the internet with your over-romantic, sappy misconceptions about sex.


Gengaoru, on behalf of the small portion of fanfic readers who actually have had sex before and are moderately squicked by the overuse of completely made-up sensations and other blatant inaccuracies ♥

gay smut, open letters, stupidity

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