[Meme] Superhero Archetype Test

Sep 16, 2008 10:51

Your result for The Superhero Archetype Test...
Mighty Machines, You're the Armored/Tech Hero


The Armored or Technological Hero is a scientific mastermind that had to create his superhero powers from the ground up. He is in a suit of high-tech armor or uses many gadgets to get the job done. Their gear can be self-made or given to them by a research/development team.

The Good: With your scientific prowess comes a logical train of thought. You are the problem solver and if you need to create something to solve a problem, you can and will do so.

The Bad: Without your techno gear, you're just a commoner. Your heavy reliance on your machines and tech resources makes you exceedingly vulnerable if you're caught without your gear. Don't leave home without it.

Examples: Iron Man, James Bond, Triple X

Take The Superhero Archetype Test at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The RPG Class Test...

22% Combativeness, 23% Sneakiness, 82% Intellect, 42% Spirituality

Brilliant! You are a Wizard!

Wizards are spells-casters who study powerful arcane magic. While Wizards tend to be pretty fragile, some of those spells can pack quite a punch. Unlike Clerics, Wizards aren't as good at fixing people as they are at breaking them, so watch where you toss that fireball!

Your most distinctive trait is your intelligence. You're probably well learned and logical, if perhaps a bit fragile.
Take The RPG Class Test at HelloQuizzy

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