[Meme] 30 anon answers

Sep 16, 2008 10:40

I suppose, seeing as Rachel mentioned me in her version of this, I should reciprocate.

1. There are 30 questions.
2. Next to each number, write the name of the person who fits.
3. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.
4. Want to know the questions? Then you have to agree to answer them too.

1. senseofliberty
2. (Crack!) witnessof_fate
3. I'm happy enough where I am
4. girl_ofsecrets/couldbenicer
5. canfindanyone/findsanything
6. e_rayne
7. laws_of_dawes
8. vote4nathan
9. senseofliberty
10. mentalmastery
11. Nobody leaps to mind for this one
12. canfindanyone/findsanything
13. vote4nathan
14. billy_horrible
15. I... can't say I've ever had that desire
16. senseofliberty
17. not_myfirstday, jen_anomaly
18. canfindanyone/findsanything
19. senseofliberty
20. four_too_long/changehistory
21. heroslayer
22. empathpetrelli
23. Myself. So, witnessof_fate
24. heroslayer/i_canfixyou, undoubtedly.
25. heroslayer
26. I don't believe I could do that to anyone. Apparently, though, I have. heroslayer, senseofliberty (Different verses, obviously)
27. heroslayer
28. What's that?
29. senseofliberty, heroslayer (Again with the different verses)
30. You're a varied bunch. I don't think one message would encompass you all sufficiently.

entry: meme, verse: open

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