Turkeys, Therapists and coffee.

Nov 27, 2006 08:36

I'm really bad at being online now.

I guess all that time spent offline when the beast was in traction just got me out of my groove. I should really get back into it, considering that my cell (my other life-line to the outside world) hasn't been paid for for 2+ months and is probably going to get shut off. Ahh, thus is the life of the woefully bankrupt....

So, since October 27th a few things have happened; I went to mental health, again. Saw a crisis councelor for a bit and am now transitioning into therapy. Hooray. Stopped taking my birth control because it made me crazy... er. Have to go back to the doc to get that sorted out as well. Had some legal problems, some doc problems and a whole boat-load full of pain. I finally got my orthopaedic consult scheduled, now I just need to make sure it was, in fact, authorized. Have to get my screens made available too. Phonecalls, yippe. Turkey Day was fun. Phyx and I ran a few errands, last minute items and such. Also took advantage of some Pre-Black Friday sales and got a good jump on Christmas. With the cats a whole lot of painkillers we managed to get the tree and some crazy lights up too. Twinkle-nifty.

Diez, Sass and Hikaru all got butt-baths tonight. Overshare, maybe, but it's my journal. They all have problems with either 1. being to big to reach their rears (Diez and Sass) or 2. just improper bathroom technique (Hikaru.) Arie was a huge help in the "hold and distract" aspect while I broke out the baby wipes and did the dirty work. They're all a lot more comfy now, I bet.

And that is far too much to say about cat butts. Yes. Moving on.

I got to go through the fun of requesting a copy of my transcript. Hopefully the ol' HS won't be an ass about sending it so I can finish my GD education and actually go to college and learn something. That'd be nice.

It'd also be nice to be able to sit, stand or walk without hurting like a fucker too, but I'll take what I can get. I have to make a bunch of phonecalls this morning and take Arie to apply for a job. Laundry's gotta be done then... I don't know. Sleep or chores or something. Painkillers too. Yes. Sometimes it's really not fun being me.... Sometimes it's the best feeling in the world. Depends on the coin toss, I guess.

As for you, Friends of me: Dude, I suck as a friend right now. I can't seem to stay in contact with anyone when I'm in pain or sick or something.... Otter, J, Other J, Miata, Michael... Haven't talked to any of you in a long ass time. <3 Much love to my homies or some such nonsense... I swear I'll fix things so I can be social again.

I believe that's it for now... I'll make an effort to be on more. Or, at least post more.


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