Okay, so I'm super excited about projects I have on the go right now.
I've wrapped up the five page submission inks for Bullet and picked up Paul Little for colours. He absolutely blew me away with the sample he did (
http://zepsloan.deviantart.com/art/Bullet-98916502 ) and accidentally came up with the colour scheme for Bullet's costume (for over a year, I've had blue&white in my head and all through inking Nate's work it was blue blue blue and then Paul sent me that and it was like, "yeah, Bullet's costume is totally not blue!" haha)
So once he wraps up colours, I'll throw the lettering on there and ship it off to Image. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I definitely have higher expectations for this one than Champion.
And speaking of Champion, I got the last of the hi-res pencils yesterday and it's time to print off all my bluelines. Unfortunately, my printer seems to have died :\
Crappy thing is that it's a super awesome Epson 1280 that cost me a fortune and would apparently cost almost as much to fix, so I'm in kind of a tough situation. At this point, I'm almost considering opening it up and playing around with the guts to see if I can find a loose connection or something (the warrenty's expired anyways!)
But once I get rolling on Champion pages, I'll be super excited to see them coloured by Lizz (
http://trinitycross.deviantart.com/ ). Her painted style is so unique and I think it'll really make Champion stand out. I'm so glad Arcana took her on for the project :D