Dec 11, 2002 06:04
Th'kittens are doin' some more serious sleepin' it seems. Sometimes they go almost five hours b'fore feedin's so it's like we only wake up f'one feedin'. An' sometimes I don' even wake up f'that, which I feel pretty guilty 'bout, cause it don't seem right that Sonya is th'one who has t'do all th'wakin' up. But, seems that I can sleep through th'noise if I'm really tired an' she can't.
Yeah, that makes me feel kinda guilty.
Still workin' on th'stuff f'Belle. I think I got most o'it pretty much done, 'cept f'the stainin' an' all such. I took over th'headboard an' th'entertainment unit th'other day. Got them setup. Poor Belle's got herself a cold. Damn, I ain't never had one o'those, but I gotta say they don' look a hell o'alot o'fun. She was sittin' on th'sofa snufflin' an' lookin' like someone stuffed a hose up her nose an' poured in a bunch o'tar. I've seen Sonya sick. Guess I've lived a charmed life so far, cause I've never been sick.
Well, I'd better be gettin' over t'trainin'. Lookin' forward t'that.