Gesh, this situation sucks, don't it?
Trunks is now 14. Not that it's such a bad age t'be. I guess. Been so long since I was there, I can't rightly remember. But eh, there are worse things that can happen t'someone.
Feel really bad f'
Vez though. Don't have t'go int'the reasons, we all can figure 'em out. Trunks don't recall who she is. That's gotta cut deeper than any knife.
Wish there were more I could do or say, but what do ya say in a situation like that? Jus' t'let y'know though, if any o'you need someone t'talk ta, y'know how t'find me.
Okay, I'll go back t'my usual game o'stayin' out o'things. I've been doin' pretty good at that.