Title: The Firefly Serenity Author: tmoh Rating: G/K Summary: A filk about Serenity herself, to the tune of "The Bonnie Ship the Diamond." Character(s): Serenity, Mal, Jayne Author's Notes: This is the first entry in my Space Shanties series--a collection of Firefly filk to the tunes of traditional folk songs and sea shanties. Written originally
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Title: Fortune's Folly Author: lauratd Rating: pg (pg13 in Chinese) # of words: 419 Summary: The crew get their fortunes read, pre-series Characters: Jayne, Mal, Kaylee, Zoe, Wash Prompt it was written originally for: 004 Tea
Title: The Pilot Author: aurey09 Rating: g Summary: Wash accepts the job on Serenity. Characters: Wash, Mal and Zoe Prompt: 002: Over
Wash had often been passed over as a kid. He was the middle child, out of five. He wasn't the worst behavioured, not by any means, but he wasn't the golden child either - he'd lack both praise and scoldings growing
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