Past week today.

Oct 02, 2009 04:19

- Last Friday I checked out The Blue Nile restaurant after working in the lab. Very awesome Ethiopian food. Actually, it was the only supposedly Ethiopian food I have ever tasted. I decided to try the lamb with some sort of collared greens and red lentils. Honestly, I should have just had the vegetarian lunch since the restaurant only served a small amount of lamb and the vegetable sides were fantastic. Next stop...not sure yet. ^.^

- My friend Olivia had an auction at her house and I volunteered to direct parking for half the day. Her family sold just about all of their living room furniture, decorations, and such.

The auctioneer her family hired was named Rollo A. Junkette. He was just a bitter old man in the back of a truck who didn't really speak all that fast (most of what he said was gibberish like a little kid make believing to be an auctioneer)...the experience was a little odd and awkward. least I rediscovered my love of Hungarian rye bread when Olivia and I took a short lunch break.

- Talked to someone on Okcupid and she suggested that we should meet for coffee.

Not sure what to think of it but I would be totally down for it. She seems really nice and cool.

We kinda catch each other on Yahoo instant messenger every once in awhile, on average about 1 to 3 nights a week (it is nice when someone messages me first, the few people that do that to me are on my "awesome" list and she is on it). Next time maybe she and I could work out a...meeting? Date? I don't know. I will just take it for what it is regardless.

BTW, the beauty of Okcupid is that you don't know these people anyways so there is no emotions-me-fucking-up-alright-sorta-established-friendships. Which is my fault and I won't ever allow that to happen again.

- Work has been going very well, like always. :)

- Lab is in limbo at the moment. Zach, the graduate student in charge of the course, has been busy lately with class and can't really be around to let me in. Fortunately his lab partners don't mind if I come in and catalog specimens. However, I will be able to make up hours next week.

- My friend Olivia is working at AC's (the bar in New Boston that isn't McNasty's) this Apple Fest! She is encouraging everyone to spread the word and stop in for a beer. I mean seriously, is there any better way to enjoy Apple Fest than to be drunk? Buying crafts and carnival food while intoxicated would be bitchin'...if not irresponsible and slightly illegal (public drunkenness?). I might try it Saturday. Anyways, please drink responsibly, especially around elephant ears.

- I am going to the lab today to work for a couple of long graduate students are there (they generally are present).

- I am going to work a midnight shift at work today (eek, it is already 5 am...need sleep).

Goals: Buy that one awesome watch I found, get belts (one with studs, one kinda wide), finish box of bones, look for an apartment (I know, this might be stupid but I don't want to live at home forever...I have a full-time job now and maybe I should rent out an one-bedroom apartment), get check-up for health care insurance, work out a consistent lab schedule, figure out my options in anthropology...

Overall: Life feels great again? Things are very different now and that's fine. ^.^
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