Dec 18, 2003 20:03
Whew today was pretty uhmm...I anyways finals were kinda a breeze, a little ouchies but hey no big deal. bio was retarded and French was mediocre. Then yeah finished up portfolio pieces and now I'm studying for my Algebra final....kinda...there's no real point in studying, as long as I get the credit I'll be okay. If I get yelled at and grounded then meh, I always go out with Joey before work anyways :P But yeah I think I'm losing the killer instinct. This cat was at the apartments last nite and I started walking but it kept jumping in front of me meowing it's head off so I sheepishly asked Joey for some cat food and I fed the cat. It scarfed it all down so I think I'll keep bringing some for it. Poor lil guy. I felt like Angel when he saves the puppy because I'm holding this kitten trying to keep it warm and trying to look "badass" at the same time...not easy...Oh Joey bought me guitar strings and picks for xmas! That's Joey and that's why he's the first mate on my ship! Oh we wrote an AWESOME song! It's a love song, but tragic, so it's all "awww" and "ooh neat" so cute, but badass at the same time....awesome...Yeah some other stuff went down at the apartments btw, some BAD stuff. I think I might be in trouble.