Anglicon 18 is Cancled

Sep 07, 2006 01:54

Dear Anglicon members (past and present), friends and supporters of Anglicon,

It is with great sadness that we announce that Anglicon 18 (Oct. 13-15, 2006) has been cancelled.  We have shut down our convention-related activities at this point, cancelled our hotel contract with their blessing (Thank you Holiday Inn!), and we will be issuing refunds to our pre-registered members during the next few weeks.  We ask any of you who have reserved rooms at the hotel to please cancel your room reservations.  We also apologize for any trouble or inconvenience that this news may cause you.

This was not an easy decision for us to make.  Our members and the local Fannish community have been like family to us during the last 19 years, supporting us in good times and bad. Lower-than-expected pre-registration figures and number of reserved hotel rooms for this year's convention compelled us to make this fiscally responsible decision for the good of the organization and the Fannish community.

However, this does not mean that the Anglicon organization will be going away.  Our purpose for the last 19 years has always been to promote British (and Commonwealth) media and to help to raise money to support British programming on KBTC-TV public television in Tacoma, WA.  This purpose has not changed and we will continue pursuing it, only our methods will change.

Currently, we are looking at restructuring our organization and deciding how to pursue our purpose in new ways and would appreciate suggestions or ideas.  If you have a suggestion, or if you would like be involved in this process, contact us at, or by phone 206-789-BRIT, or see our web site for upcoming meeting dates and more information.  Also, look for our room party and panel at the upcoming Rustycon.

It is said that, whenever a door closes, another door opens.  A new adventure now awaits us through that door and we look forward to seeing you there.

Your friends in Fandom,

Gene Armstrong
Anglicon 18 - Chairman

The Anglicon 18 Convention Committee
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