(no subject)

Jan 15, 2010 15:20

Among the many posts I owe: a proper Yuletide reveal post (yes, I know I am hugely belated), a few different recs posts I may or may not ever get around to, and a long list of general "here's an update on my life!" stuff. I hope to get around to at least some of those soon!

First, though, a signal boost:

You probably already know about the earthquake in Haiti. I hope you've already donated to help it; lists of ways to help have been all over my friendslist. But if you haven't, and you can spare anything, I hope you consider it. (And if you can't spare anything, that's no shame. Take care of yourself. These things happen, and it really is okay to pay for your own needs first.)

Doctors Without Borders/Medicins Sans Frontieres and Partners In Health are both good organizations. You can text "Haiti" to 90999 to send a $10 donation to the Red Cross, or text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund; both of these will put the donation amount on your next phone bill, FYI. [Edit: There are apparently some concerns about Yele Haiti's trustworthiness. See the comments for details. I don't know enough to either confirm or defend, but I pass the warning on.] Here and here are lists of charities I've seen.

And, of course, there's a fandom auction: help_haiti. I'm offering a care package of New England foods, so if you've been craving maple, here's your chance to get some on your doorstep! And there's a LOT of good stuff offered there -- food, graphics, fic and editing and miscellany. Go take a look.

real life

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