(no subject)

Jun 16, 2008 19:05

I got my Smile Box!

That is, for those of you looking blank, a gift-box exchange among a certain corner of my friends-list. The general theme was spring and spring cleaning, and there was the usual price limit sort of thing, but basically it was "throw a bunch of stuff in a box and mail it off to make your recipient happy."

And, oh, it did. Bansh, I am was squeaking as I sorted through and kept finding more shiny things, and I have a big stupid grin on my face. Thank you ever so much! Such fun. (And thank you, too, Feather, for having the idea and organizing it.)

Bansh, like me, is a knitter, so the bulk of this is knitting-related. And it is FABULOUS. Five(!) kinds of yarn in different colors and weights (and, Bansh, far from being allergic to wool I adore knitting with it, so no worries!) And handmade(!!) stitch markers of silver and hemitite, which is one of my favorite stones. And two knitting magazines! And bamboo needles (also my favorite!) of one of the most useful sizes.

And then there's the random stuff: a little mug ornament with a Thoreau quote! A string bag! Random silk flowers and candy (I have already eaten the blue raspberry AirHead, and I would blame it for all these exclamation points but really it's all glee) and green Mardi Gras coin-beads and bouncy balls and a temporary tattoo of a teddy bear! (ETA: And flower seeds!) And Firefly tea from Adagio. And a truly lovely note to finish it all off.

Bansh, you know me so well.

real life, knitting, tea

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