(no subject)

Dec 18, 2007 13:33

It's that question meme again: Someone asks you five questions, you put up a post in your journal answering them for the curious, and then people can comment to be asked five questions of their own. So comment if you like and I will!

furikku asked me:

1) Which is the best colour of Peeps?

I think I'm going to have to go with classic yellow. They're vaguely chick-colored, in a nod to both tradition and morbidity, and I'm pretty sure they were the original color. So they have history on their side, too.

Mind you, all Peeps are put impartially in the Delicious Things I Don't Eat Any More category, but it's not as if the color affects the taste anyhow.

2) If you could have the power to read minds or the power to turn invisible, which would you choose?

Invisibility. Reading minds is cool on paper, and a great thing to play with in characters, but it would be such a headache really. Even if I assume that it comes with the ability to shield so that I don't pick up everything whether I want to or not, it still would involve learning more than I want to. Who really wants to know everything their friends are thinking? Let alone what the random guy passing you on the street is muttering to the inside of his head about. I'm thinking the drawbacks there would definitely outweigh the benefits.

Invisibility, however, has few drawbacks (so long as you a) aren't blind, and b) can turn it on and off at will), and lends itself to ninja-like sneaking. And the ability to confuse your friends and pets. What's not to like?

3) You have won a free cake. What flavour is it?

Chocolate! Duh. Deep rich chocolate. Probably with either chocolate icing and fresh strawberries, or peppermint icing and bits of dark chocolate.

Spice cake is a pretty good runner-up, though.

4) Yoga or tai chi?

Yes please!

Er. I have done very little of either; they're both things I'd be very interested in getting more into. I suppose yoga wins a slight edge because I want to work on getting back all the flexibility I used to have, but they're both awesome.

5) What is your favourite commercial on television right now?

...You say this as if I watch television.

I saw William Shatner advertising World of Warcraft on a streaming video the other day. That was pretty fabulous.


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