Cards time!

Dec 13, 2007 17:57

So this is a) belated, and b) something I have failed at in the past. But I am bound and determined to actually send cards this year, instead of just thinking about it really hard and then not actually doing so! And to that end, I am taking advantage of this snowy afternoon* to start on the ones to family and people's addresses I know for certain and so forth. (And maybe to put in some more work on my yuletide fic. Ahahaha.)

If you want a card from me, and you don't think I have your address -- or if you have any doubt at all, because I am not half so organized as I'd like to be, and I might well have lost it -- drop a comment here! Comments are screened, so only I'll see it. If you feel like mentioning what particular holidays you do or don't celebrate, go for that, too.

*This is what we call a snowstorm, you guys! I was wading through calf-deep snow on my way home from work, high enough to work its way into my boots and soak the cuffs of my jeans. (I could have avoided some of that if I had not cut across the field, I admit. But where's the sense fun in that?) The snow is heavy and thick and fluffy, and absolutely everywhere. It's been falling for hours, and still going strong. I shoveled our sidewalk and porch steps, figuring that it helps to make a dent even if it'll all be covered again immediately, and tonight I have nowhere to be. It's glorious.

I do not envy anyone who has to drive anywhere today, mind you.

contact info, boston, real life, christmas, holidays, outdoors

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