World Enough and Time (a drabble)

Apr 28, 2007 06:17

I've been rather neglecting this place lately.  I promise I'm still writing...Some of the fics I'm working on are bogged down a little; others aren't suitable for this list.  (The mods should know someone has erased the posting guidelines!)

Not usually my style, but this should be amusing.

Title: World Enough and Time

Author: Mabus101

Characters: Illyria, Spike

Rating: G

Disclaimer: If the characters were mine instead of Joss's I'd write a best-selling novel and make a million bucks.

Illyria became a deity once more and conquered the world.  She briefly considered erasing it and beginning over, but the "Congratulations!  You have won a Domination Victory!" screen was beginning to pall.

"The creation and destruction of worlds...a children's toy."  For the briefest of moments, Illyria found herself mildly impressed.

"You do realize this stuff isn't real," Spike questioned her, gesturing at the nuclear devastation on the screen.

"What you call space and time were but the shadows of my domain.  I stepped between universes as easily as you cross a room," she informed the vampire.  "What is real?"

author: mabus101, illyria, spike, ats: s5

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