Snyder ficlet

Mar 06, 2007 23:42

This ficlet was also written for the Still-Grrr challenge community, but thought it might feel at home here, too.

Title: No Date
Author: lilachigh
Rating: None


He’d wanted to hate everyone, but there was still a very small part of him that didn’t really believe he was so unpopular. OK, his mother had left home when he was ten and he could still remember her words “God, why did I get stuck with the ugliest kid in the world.”

But his father had been supportive, encouraging him to work, get good grades, not bother with sports or with friends because they held you back. So he hadn‘t even hung around with the geeky guys at school who would have spoken to him and now he realised that his father had just wanted him to get a good enough grades so he could leave and go to a college on the other side of the country.

When he’d gone home after the first term, he’d found the house shut up and silent, his father gone.

But now there was this girl - small, blonde, pretty, out of his league in many ways, but he wasn’t a coward, he would ask her for a date and even if she said no, well, he knew she’d do it with a smile because he was sure she liked him a little bit.

He hated everyone! Stumbling away, the hateful giggles rang in his ears. He knew he would always detest small blonde girls from now on until the day he died. She’d had no need to say that to him, “Get real, Snyder. It could never be you. You’re beneath me!”

snyder, author: lilachigh

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