
Mar 06, 2007 17:38

Title: Secrets!
Author poisontearss
Characters: Snyder
A/N: This was written for the challenge community, Still Grr but i thought I would share it, maybe someone would get a laugh :-) First time writing Snyder, too.

Title: Everyone has Secrets.

Author: Poisontearss

Characters: Snyder

He couldn’t wait. It was almost that time of the day, when he had no children to discipline. No orders to give. The disgusting creatures were grazing the cafeteria.


Snyder grabbed a soda from the soda machine, sneering at it when it handed him a Root Beer instead of a Coke.

As usual.

Snyder had a secret. He was obsessed with the television show Charmed.

And on lunch hour, he watched an episode a day.

Just as he was about to allow himself a treat, his secretary beeped him. "Larry has been harrasing freshmen students again." Ms. Taylor informed Snyder.

"It’s my lunch hour!" Snyder snarled. "I’m busy."

His secretary rolled her eyes. "Watching Charmed? I’m sure--"

"What I am doing Ms. Taylor, is none of your business, not when I’m your payroll. Tell...the meat head that he has Mr. Giles file books or whatever. I’m sure he can find him something to do."

Plus, he knew one student who disliked Larry with a passion. If it got under Summer’s skirt, then that would be all the better. He glared, seeing Ms. Taylor try to peek at what he was doing. "Hello? Did we fall out of the stupid tree today?" Snyder snapped. "Now!"

"I..." The flustered secretary took off. Snyder snorted. "Now then." He said and glued his attention back to the screen. Taylor knew better than to talk, so Snyder was safe as he sat down to watch his favorite televison program.

And hoped one day, that he would meet that sexy siren Alyssa Milano.

It was the least the universe could do for the grief he got daily.


author: poisontearss, snyder, ficlet

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