Stranger Among the Living (drabble, pg)

Oct 15, 2009 10:54

kerkevik October 10th, 15:46


well... finally, after several years of observing from the edges of the Buffyverse and commenting, I hope constructively, on quite a few fanfics, here's my first lj post. I decided after much putting-offness, that instead of talking about myself or posting one of my own fics, to post a fic that I wrote just a couple of weeks ago. Those who read, and sent me their pretty positive responses will spot a couple of changes (my first real attempt at beta help as well).

Also, this is the first Buffyverse fic  that isn't about Willow and/or Tara, in some form or other.

It's also the first fic I've finished in well over three years, or that hasn't threatened to make War and Peace look like an office memo! Certainly I never thought I'd be able to write a drabble!

Also it's a post both Chosen/NFA fic; AU for the comics as well, fic.

Title: Stranger Among the Living
Author: kerkevik
Characters: Buffy (Only Canon Pairings)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Post S7 BtVS & S5 AtS; AU for S8 Comics as well.
Warnings: Mention of character deaths

Stranger Among the Living
by Kerkevik

Behind her back she's "The Slayer"... and other things they should be too young to understand.

To her face? "Sir", or "General"; in their bunks, in hushed tones, "She".

Or "Her".

Why does she always carry a lighter, when she doesn't smoke? Why when they run out does she always head for London?

Nobody knows about the headstone, inscribed with a name and two, improbable, dates; lit by one, eternally aflame, cheap lighter.

Or why she always brings back a whole case.

Or always returns from Dublin.

Via Galway.

Behind her back it's "Bitch".

Never her name.

Never just... "Buffy".

Well there it is. Here's hoping I get some responses after finally jumping off the diving board...

Still under Willow & Tara's spell,

post-chosen, drabble, author: kerkevik, alternative universe, post-nfa, buffy

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